Thursday, May 28, 2020

Various Standards Of RFID Applied In Textile Industry - 1100 Words

Various Standards Of RFID Applied In Textile Industry (Essay Sample) Content: RFID STANDARDS IN TEXTILE INDUSTRYNAME:INSTITUTION:DATE:RFID Standards in Textile IndustryRadio Frequency identification (RFID) refers to the technology that uses electromagnetic flied to identify automatically as well as track tags that are attached to objects, (Senthilkumar Kumar, 2014) while the tags attached on those objects that have electronically stored information that can not only be detected but also read as well as be interpreted using radio waves. There are two main types of RFID that include those with active tags and passive tags (Angell Kietmann, 2006). Furthermore, there are five classified standards of RFID and these include; class one which is simple passive read only backscatter tag containing single time field that is programmable and with non-volatile memory. Class two contain a semi-passive backscatter tag containing approximately 65kb of read and write memory. Class three is semi-passive backscatter tag containing up to 65KB read as well a s write memory having a built in battery to enhance reading range. Class four is an active tag that has built in battery to operate the microchip circuit as well as to operate the transmitter that conveys signal to the reader and finally the fifth class which is an active tag with the capability of communicating with other tags as well ass other devices.In regard to Textile industries all these five standards can be used in operation, however, considering the fact that these industries are large in size, with many employees as well as warehouses where the textile products are stores, active RFID tags are mostly used and these include the class four and five respectively. For instance, these standards are used in tracking of employees by knowing where they are at a specific time. Again, due to cases of constrained movement of employees moving textile products within the factory environment and in the warehouse, the standards are used since they have the capability of detecting RFID tagged employees approaching the a security door, facilitating the automatic opening of the door hence allowing the employees transporting packages or trolleys to move in and out efficiently. According to Senthilkumar Kumar (2014) the RFID standards eliminates issues related to production in the warehouse and quality control by facilitating automatic tracking of garments fitted with carton labels enabling a start in RFID information trail while the RFID inlet is placed in the carton label by the brand label supplier which facilitate checking out production output, quality assurance and confirmation of the accuracy of shipment from factory to the warehouse.The standards help to solve problems with Fabric Lot storage and retrieval in Textile industry due to limited machine capacity in the wet processing units that lead to fabric ordering problems that may demand various numbers of lots with every lot having its specific shade, hence bringing every lot to the garment stitching proces s so as to control the variation of shades and mix up of the products which is controlled by either passive or active tags are fixed to the outside of cores of rolls having fabric thus increasing the rate at which fabric stock taking process is undertaken. The standards are used to solve problems related to poor handling of customer demand as well as high discounting problems in textile store and shipment whereby in case the standards are not used, the problem can lead to delay in shipment of textile products and dissatisfaction on the side of customers whose orders fail to arrive on time due to inefficiencies.RFID overviewThe RFID system has three key elements that include; a tag that is also called transponder, reader that is also called interrogator whose function is to read the signal and the controller also called host ( Senthilkumar Kumar, 2014). The tags contain an integrated circuit connected to the antenna that is made up of a small coil of wire enclosed with protective packaging of plastic cards. The data which is read by the reader is retained in the IC and then conveyed via the antenna to a reader. On the contrary, the RFID tags can either be passive which means they lack battery but have the ability to operate within small range or the tags can be active which means they are powered by battery and they have the ability of operating over a large range of distance.Benefits and demerits of RFID in Textile industryRFID standards have numerous benefits in the textile industry and these include; tracking of textile products; These standards are essential since industry inserts tags on hospital uniforms that can be accessed by hospital employees using their RFID enabled tags which has been a great success in the textile industry.The standards facilitate tracking of the movement of employees in the factory; this ensures that each employee attends to their work station as demanded, hence facilitating high productivity and also the control and monito ring of textile material. Merchandising is another benefit which entails leveling of stock across various textile ...

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Shelf J I School - 2211 Words

As part of the Every Child Matters (ECM) program, Shelf JI School takes a whole school approach in implementing the 5 National Outcomes of this agenda. Its main aims are for every child, whatever their background or circumstances, to have the support they need to: †¢ stay safe †¢ be healthy †¢ enjoy and achieve †¢ make a positive contribution †¢ achieve economic well-being a. Feel safe: Shelf JI School aims to achieve that every child attending the school feels secure and protected in the school setting and staff expect and help children to accomplish high standards of behaviour. Every child has a right to feel safe from bullying and discrimination and any child with a worry or problem is encouraged to talk about it with someone who they†¦show more content†¦Her mother had extreme troubles getting the girl to school in the morning and then, finally (late) arriving at school the girl was in floods of tears and did not want to enter the school any further than the office... it took my colleague sometimes over an hour to reason with the girl to get her to join her class. A few times a classmate was send to the office where the girl was to try and calm her down and help her come to the class, but it was found too distressing for the classmate and also too much time was lost for her. After the girl was eventually settled in though, there were no further problems during the day and she seemed to enjoy herself, have good social contacts and a healthy interest in learning. At the end of the first week the teacher asked for a volunteer to pick up the register from the office on arriving at school and take it back to the office after the register had been taken for the day, and the girl put her hand up. The teacher gave her the responsibility hoping that it would help her overcome her anxiety regarding starting the day if she had a job to focus on. Unfortunately it did not work; the extra responsibility was no help at all. Then the mother started bringing her straight to the class and my colleague would receive her, still the girl was totally unwilling to enter the class. She stood just before the door crying inconsolably resisting any help until she was too tired with crying and eventually, exhausted, would take her

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Use of Narrative in Film Essay - 964 Words

The Use of Narrative in Film The use of Narrative in film and other forms of media is commonplace; it has become such that the media viewer has not only come to expect it but rely on it somewhat. There are two elements in narrative film today that combine in the engaging of the audience; story and production elements. One example in the Australian film industry of the use of production and story elements in such a way as to engage the audiences attention is the film Two Hands. The film Two Hands was directed in 1999 by Gregor Jordan, a then virtual nobody. The film boasts an all-Australian cast and is full of Australian humor and irony. It is a film that was loved by critics and the public alike and has been affectionately†¦show more content†¦The dialogue in this scene is the most helpful in terms of establishing the storylines and grabbing the attention of the viewer. We learn that Jim owes Pando $10,000 for which he will soon be killed, we learn that Jim will give Pando $15.000 if he lets him go (Im doing a job tomorrow. Let me go and Ill give you 15), we learn that Pando is willing to give Jim a chance by letting him try 013, and that Pando really doesnt want to have to kill him but it seems like he has little choice (sorry Jimmy). The next section of the opening sequence takes us back to what is seemingly the beginning of the film, to the heart of Kings Cross. Jim is standing out the front of a strip joint with a friend of his. It seems the two are employed by the club to entice male passer-buyers into the club. Through their dialogue the viewer can deduce that Jim intends on doing some work for someone name Pando, who incidentally is someone you dont want to get mixed up with. The viewer may also conclude that Jim is unhappy with his current line of work and wishes to move up through the Kings Cross hierarchy, so to speak, by doing this job. During this scene Jims relationship with Pando and Alex are established, or re-established in the case of Pando. Jims first impressions of Alex, an Alexs first impressions of Jim are evident through the production elements involved. Through the use of cuts between and theShow MoreRelatedFilm Review : Quentin Tarantino And Roger Avary1249 Words   |  5 Pagesblockbuster hits. Tarantino has not only directed well known films such as Reservoir Dogs (1992), The Hateful Eight (2015), and Django Unchained (2012) but is credited as a co-writer on each of these projects. His genius as a visual director begins with the psychological depth of his characters and plot by a process of original screenwriting. Normality and rules are deemed optional by means of Tarantino’s circular and grand narratives. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Why Brown free essay sample

Entrepreneurs, unless they can get into a top-flight school. While I do not completely agree with Lesser in that regard, I do understand the value In attending an elite college. The professors, faculty, alumni, and current students are significantly more likely to be successful and have valuable connections at an Ivy League institution than at a middling state school. The networking aspect of an elite college is priceless. The only top tier college I can picture myself at is Brown. Brown is considered y many to be the Hippy school of the Ivys, and I can see myself fitting in with the student body at Brown very well. But what really sets Brown apart from all other elite institutions of higher education for me is the academics. At Brown, I WOUld be able to create an education made to my exact specifications. Brown offers students the ability to take classes as satisfactory/no credit, which is very important to me. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Brown or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I do not want to have what I like to call Grade blinders on while I am trying to learn something. I understand that grades can be motivating for some, but for me they are a complete distraction.Brown also offers students the ability to take independent study courses, which is how I learn best. During my gap year have learned significantly more while reading books of my choosing and doing projects such as writing books and building businesses than did my freshman year at Dickinson College. In fact, the program at Brown that am most interested in, Community Health, requires students to do two independent studies if they want to pursue honors. Brown is the only school in the country that has elite networking potential, a non-grade academic option, and a strong independent study program.